Treatment of Bunions
Bunions are one of the most painful forefoot deformities there is! Trying to walk with a full blown bunion can be excruciatingly painful! The first step in treating a bunion is to first make yourself an appointment with a podiatrist or a foot doctor.
A bunion occurs when the bones under the big one actually become displaced and because of this bone movement, the side of the foot will grow a bony and jutting growth. If not treated, the big toe will eventually come to lay on top of the next little toe.
The most common cause of bunions is wearing shoes that are too tight, which is one reason why women are afflicted more so than men with bunions. Other causes of bunions are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis or having weak ligaments in the feet. If one leg is slightly longer than the other, a bunion can start. If you have ever had an injury to one or both of you feet a bunion can arise.
If you have a family history of bunions, it will more likely that you will develop them. Begin to take care of your feet as early as you can to prevent the pain associated with bunions. Wear shoes that provide enough room for all your toes and avoid wearing high heeled shoes whenever possible. Ask your doctor for exercises that you can do for preventing a bunion. Turning your foot in the wrong way while you are walking can cause a bunion so making sure you strengthen your feet muscles is a great treatment for bunions.
Treatment for bunions that are swollen and painful would be that of an ice pack. Place the icepack on the affected area and elevate your foot. The cold will help to reduce the swelling. Ibuprofen would be a good choice of painkiller because it is anti-inflammatory drug that treats the inflamed tissues around a bunion. Bunion splints that you can wear while you are sleeping may help to straighten out the bunion. A shield made for bunions may help to ease the pain also.
Take the time every day to soak your feet in a soak that is specially made for softening the calloused skin on your feet. Use a pumice stone to wear down the hardened calloused skin. Wearing insoles in your shoes that cushion your feet will help to improve your level of pain associated with a bunion. The most important part in the treatment of bunions is to take steps in taking care of your feet before a bunion gets the chance to start. Even though genetics may cause some to have bunions regardless of what they do, the treatment of bunions can help to keep down the pain and make walking a lot easier. Although some bunion sufferers may end up having surgery for the removal of bones as a treatment of bunions, the surgical procedures for bunions have come a long way and the success rate is much better than ever before.
How Effective are Some of the Natural Treatments for Bunions?
There is a movement taking place when it comes to people who are looking for natural treatment for bunions. There are toe straighteners, stretchers, and home remedies that don’t seem to do anything but make your bunions worse. The people that are attracted to these natural treatments for bunions are usually people who don’t qualify for surgery (because their bunions aren’t big enough or they don’t cause any pain yet).
These same people also know the horror stories when it comes to bunionectomies or bunion surgery. They either have family members that have been through it or they know someone who is affiliated with someone who has.
Dr. Levingston has made the natural treatment of bunions an art form. He has made it his life goal to discover and improve this ignored condition that has plagued and is continuing to plague a large portion of the population. Dr Levingston not only treats the patient’s bunion itself but the entire foot as a whole:
“I am continuously improving my protocols to get the results that my patients expect. I want them to leave my office feeling like they have new and improved feet that look good and feel great. I look at the entire body and analyze things such as posture, gait, and foot mechanics. I like to get to the bottom of the reason why my clients are pronating and come up with a plan to correct it naturally. Pronation is one of the major components in the formation of bunions.”
Please review our website for more information on this amazing and revolutionary alternative to bunion surgery. If you are looking for a holistic and natural treatment for you bunions, you have come to the right place.
Are Toe Straighteners a Good Alternative Holistic Treatment for Your Bunions?
Are toe straighteners a natural cure for bunions? Can toe straighteners cure bunions without surgery? Are there any good alternative, natural, holistic cures or treatments for your bunions? Are there any remedies for my bunions?
In short, the answer is no. Straightening the big toe using toe straighteners such as bunion booty in order to cure your bunions actually does just the opposite. As the contraption stretches the big toe, it does nothing to strengthen the intrinsic muscles of the foot.
The most important muscle of the foot that is responsible for the hallux valgus deformity or lateral deviation of the big toe is the abductor hallicus muscle. The abductor hallicus muscle is located in the medial border of the foot. It is responsible for the bulk of the muscle you feel on the inside of the arch of the foot.
This muscle is obviously a key component to naturally correcting hallux valgus. Toe straighteners just stretch out and lengthen the abductor hallicus muscle. The foot may look great temporarily but over time that stretched out abductor muscle will worsen your foot’s hallux valgus angle. For years people have tried toe straighteners as an alternative home remedy for bunions.
There is only one no surgery bunion treatment that we know that actually works quite well. This treatment is the closest thing to a bunion cure without surgery that is known. It is not a home remedy for bunions but a treatment performed by a holistic doctor in Denver, Colorado named Dr. Robert Levingston DC, FIAMA.
He focuses on naturally aligning the big toe, correcting the patient’s posture, improving gait (or walking pattern), and decreasing the appearance of the bunion using microcurrent technology. This miraculous procedure, and how it can help you when it comes to your pain and/or appearance of the bunion.
In short, there is no official cure for bunions yet but the closest thing we know of in terms of effectiveness is Dr. Levingston’s Non-Surgical Bunion Therapy. The treatment is comprehensive and his patients seem to be happy with their results. These same people have tried all the natural remedies for bunions with no success.